
Group picture 2022!
From top left: Miguel Angel, Justin, Selma, Adolfo, Julia.
From bottom left: Dani and Quentin

Adolfo G. Grushin (@aggrushin)

I am affiliated with the Néel Institute in Grenoble where I hold a permanent CRCN research position. You can find a summary of my interests here. I focus on the understanding topological phases of matter, with and without strong electron-electron correlations either metallic or insulating.

You can find an updated list of publications on arXiv or Google scholar.

Scientific trajectory

2017 – present Chargé de Recherche (Staff scientist), HDR, at the Institute Néel, CNRS (Grenoble).
2015 – 2017 Joint Marie Curie Fellow at the Physics department at the University of California, Berkeley and the Physics Department at Oxford University. I worked under the supervision of Joel Moore and Steve Simon.
2013 – 2015 Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden Germany. I worked with Frank Pollmann, Jens H. Bardarson, M. Haque and R. Moessner among others.
 2009-2013  Ph.D under the supervision of Maria A. H. Vozmediano

E-mail : adolfo.grushin(at) 

Office : M-106 Phone number : 04 76 88 12 52

PhD students:

Justin Schirmann

Justin is working on extending topological phases to amorphous metals. He is also interested in the electronic properties of quasicrystals, including the newly discovered Hat tiling.

E-mail:  justin.schirmann(at)
Office: M-202 


Laura Gómez Paz

Profile photo for Laura Gómez

Laura is working on disordered topological superconductors. She previously did her master’s at U. Leipzig where her master thesis was supervised by I. Sodemann.

E-mail:  laura.gomez-paz(at)
Office: M-202

Sergi Mas Mendoza

Sergi is working on applying graphical tensor networks to topological order. He previously did a Master’s in a Barcelona with a short stay in Japan.

E-mail:  sergi.mas-mendoza(at)
Office: M-209


Selma Franca 

Selma is working on the transport of disordered topological semimetals, in the context of the SCHINES collaboration. She obtained her PhD at TU Dresden working with C. Fulga on higher-order topological phases and non-Hermitian physics.

E-mail:  selma.franca(at)

Office: M-202 Phone: 04 76 88 90 60


Peru D’Ornellas 

Peru is working on disordered magnetic and interacting systems semimetals. He obtained his PhD at Imperial College.

E-mail:  peru.dornellas(at)

Office: M-111

Master Students:

Hector Roche 

Hector is working on his M1 internship on the electronic properties of quasicrystals.

E-mail:  hector.roche(at)

Office: M-111

Past members:

Julia Hannukainen

Julia visited our group in September 2019 as part of her PhD program at KTH. She was co-supervised by Jens H. Bardarson. She is interested quantum field theory anomalies, and also in amorphous systems. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at KTH, before moving to Cambridge to the group of Nigel Cooper.

E-mail:  julhan(at)


Baptiste Bermond 

Baptiste works on understanding anomalies and thermal transport in topological semimetals. He received his PhD from the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon co-supervised by David Carpentier. He is currently working as a postdoc at the ENS Lyon.


Daniel Muñoz Segovia (@DaniMS_96)

Daniel worked on the interface between interactions, disorder, superconductivity and topological phenomenal. He did his PhD based at the Donostia International Physics Center in San Sebastian co-supervised by Fernando de Juan. He is now a postdoc in Columbia working with Raquel Queiroz.


Quentin Marsal 

Quentin worked on the emergence of topology in amorphous matter.  He is now a postdoc at Uppsala working with Annica Black-Schaffer interested in quantum geometry.



Serguei Tchoumakov 

Serguei worked on the theory of Weyl semimetal interfaces, and the effect that strain and inhomogeneous magnetization has on these materials. Previously he was a postdoc at U. Montreal working with William Witczak-Krempa. He did his PhD in Orsay under the supervision of Mark O. Goerbig. Currently he is working in the field of cyber security.

Miguel Ángel Sánchez Martínez (@Migueltweetit)

Miguel Ángel was a student from 2018 until November 2021. He has a background in two seemingly disconnected aspects of physics: quantum field theory and transport phenomena at the nanoscale; these two sets of knowledge find its perfect union in the study of topological phases of matter. In his PhD thesis, he focused on exploring linear and non-linear optical properties of novel topological metals, establishing their experimental signatures. His thesis received the Springer Best Thesis award. Congratulations! He is currently a postdoctoral researcher working with Felix Flicker.

Miguel Angel’s PhD Thesis (pdf)

Sharareh Sayyad (postdoc)

Sharareh was a postdoc from 2019 to 2021 working on the dynamics of topological systems and non-hermitian Hamiltonians. Previously she held a postdoc position in U. Tokyo working with H. Aoki. She graduated from the University of Hamburg under the supervision of M. Eckstein at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter. Currently she works at the Max Planck Institute of Light in Erlangen in the group of F. Kunst.


Visiting students:

Mao Yoshii 

Members – Morimoto groupMao visited our lab during the fall of 2023. He worked on quasicrystal tilings and the Hat, studying electronic an optical properties of amorphous topological states and interactions. He is currently a PhD student at Tokyo University, under the supervision of Takahiro Morimoto.


Matthieu Dos Santos

Profile photo for Matt Dos Santos

Matthieu visited our lab during the spring-summer of 2023. He worked on optical properties of amorphous topological states and interactions. He is currently a PhD student at Imperial College.


Alejandro Uría-Álvarez 

Alejandro URÍA-ÁLVAREZ | PhD Student | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,  Madrid | UAM | Department of Condensed Matter Physics | Research profile

Alejandro visited our lab during the spring-summer of 2023. He worked on amorphous topological states and interactions. He is currently a PhD student in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, under the supervision of Juan José Palacios.


Suman Aich 

Suman visited us in the spring of 2019. He is interested in the emergence of topology in non-hermitian Hamiltonians from a quantum field theory point of view. He is a visiting student from the Indian Institute of Technology-Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU). He is currently pursuing a PhD in U. Bloomington, Indiana.


Oscar Pozo 

Oscar visited our group in January 2019 to work with us on understanding optical properties in topological states. He is currently a postdoc at CFM in San Sebastián. His thesis, which included a work with us in Grenoble won the best thesis GEFES 2022 prize. Congratulations Oscar!